The Top 6 Reasons to Get a New Egress Window Well for Your Basement

photo of a window well

In this article we’ll explore the top 6 reasons why you should consider adding an egress window well to your home.

1. Safety for Your Loved Ones

Keeping your family safe is one of the best investments you can make. In the case of a house fire, it’s very possible that your children wouldn’t be able to escape via the basement stairs. Smoke or flame could block the stairs, turning your basement into a fiery death trap. An egress window gives anyone in your basement direct access to the out-of-doors, where they can escape to safety.

2. Peace of Mind for You

This goes hand in hand with reason number 1. Basements are great for tornadoes, but not so great for fires. You can sleep well at night, knowing that in the case of an emergency, your family members have a way to escape your basement. This is a benefit you can enjoy right away!

3. More Natural Light

Basements are notorious for being dark and dingy. Even if you have lots of lights installed in your basement, there’s still something nice about natural light that helps to anchor your mind and body to the natural rhythms of daytime and nighttime. This is especially true if you work from home or have hobbies that you enjoy in the basement. The more time you spend in the basement during the day, the more you’ll love the natural light from an egress window.

4. Increased Home Value

When it comes to selling your home, having more bedrooms typically means you can list your home for a higher price. By adding an egress window to a room in your basement, you can appeal to more homebuyers. In addition, more natural light makes your basement more appealing to potential buyers who are touring your home.

5. Code Compliance

Many municipalities require bedrooms to have an egress window in order to meet building codes. By installing an egress window well, you can improve your home’s code compliance.

6. Natural Ventilation

If you’re the kind of person who loves to welcome fresh outdoor air into your home during the spring and fall, an egress window can greatly improve the flow of fresh air through your basement.

Getting a new egress window well is a great investment in the safety of your family and the comfort of your home. In addition, it’s a great way to improve the value of your home.

If you’re interested in getting a new Illumicast egress window well for your basement, give us a call or request a quote on our website.