Getting an egress window installed in a single day is awesome for several reasons.
First of all, nobody likes the security risk of having a gaping hole in their home overnight. Secondly, if the weather gets crazy, the last thing you want is rain water pouring inside your basement at 3:00 a.m.
The reason we can get an entire egress window installed in a single day comes down to tools and know-how.
We’ve invested heavily in earth moving equipment and a specialized concrete saw that allows us to work quickly and precisely. Like any other project, things go a lot faster when you have the right tools for the job.
Equally important is having the right people for the job. Since we don’t use subcontractors, we don’t have to put your project on hold midway because a subcontractor got stuck on another job or simply didn’t feel like showing up that day.
With the fact that we install well over a hundred window wells every year, our crew members are true experts in their craft. When you know what step comes next and you know exactly how to execute that step, the entire project speeds up.
No homeowner likes a prolonged renovation project. Here at Illumicast, getting your project completed in a single day is not the exception—it’s the norm.
If you have more questions about our one-day installation, call us directly at 620-200-0616.